Calculate Your Electricity Bill : ઘરનું લાઈટ બિલ કેટલું આવશે જાતે ગણી લો

Calculate Your Electricity Bill : Measure the consumption of electricity, meters are installed in most of the houses and with the help of them you can check the consumption of electricity.

Do you know the correct way to read an electricity meter reading?

Most of the people do not know how to read the meter reading,due to which they do not know their electricity consumption.

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First of all, write down the meter reading on paper. Note that the letter given in the red box at the end on the right should not be written. After this you should record the meter reading again after one month


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Later you have to subtract the reading taken earlier from the reading taken after one month. After subtracting the old reading from the new reading you will have the power consumption of the unit.

1 unit means 1000 watts and the price of one unit of electricity varies from state to state.

આ પોસ્ટ પણ વાંચો:   ખુશ ખબર આંગણવાડી વર્કર બહેનોને ફોન આપવામાં આવશે ,Anganwadi worker phone yojana gujarat 2024 જાણો શું હશે પ્રોસેસ

After Multiplying the Unit of electricity received with the per Unit electricity rate of your state you will get the bill. Importantly, the electricity bill sent by the company also includes GST and other taxes and charges.

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